Who We Are
What started with only a few part time foresters has now grown into a professional staff of almost 60 talented resource professionals across four offices in California. JRC is a full-service forestry consulting firm with California offices in Siskiyou, Nevada, El Dorado, and Shasta Counties. JRC is a certified woman owned business under the Supplier Clearinghouse for the Utility Supplier Diversity Program of the California Public Utilities Commission. JRC provides a wide array of services for a diverse group of clients including state and federal agencies, county and city municipalities, utilities, large industrial timber companies, large non-industrial ownerships, and small family parcels. The company was founded by Ron Berryman in 1992 under the name Berryman & Associates and purchased by Danielle and Dustin Lindler in 2002. In 2006, the company was incorporated, and the name was changed. Now in our 21st year of ownership, we are one of the largest,integrated full-service natural resources company in interior Northern California that specializes in providing professional forestry services. Our company specializes in timberland management plans and permitting (including timberland conversion permitting), reforestation, and post-fire restoration on timberland including recommendations for invasive weed control. JRC is also highly successful in implementing and securing grant funding for our clients.
Our professional resource staff includes California Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs), assistant foresters, botanists, wildlife biologists, pest control advisors, geographic information system (GIS) technicians, licensed Qualified Applicators, ISA-certified arborists (including TRAQ arborists), and other natural resource professionals. In addition, we employ ten to twenty seasonal interns and skilled workforce depending upon workload. Our staff is highly experienced and well versed in nearly all aspects of federal timber sale preparation and private timberland management in the state. We look forward to bringing our experience to bear on your projects. -
We produce valuable and timely services for our clients through hard work, cost consciousness, respect for our clients’ land and employees, and respect for each other. We will, at all times:
• Focus on our client’s needs
• Treat clients with respect
• Treat our client’s property with respect
• Practice land management as stewards
• Act ethically -
Community Involvement
Jefferson Resource Company is a strong community supporter that believes in sponsoring local organizations that promote youth and education among other worthwhile community causes. In 2019, JRC donated over $40,000 to community organizations such as the Siskiyou County Farm Bureau, Butteville Elementary School, Weed Rotary, Big Springs Elementary School, Big Springs 4-H, Yreka FFA, Sierra Cascade Logging Conference, Association of California Loggers, CA Forest Pest Council, California Women in Timber, Yreka Art Hops/ The Yreka Arts Council, Forest Vegetation Management Conference, Shasta College, Forest Landowners of CA, Siskiyou County Junior Livestock Auction, Siskiyou County Fair and the Siskiyou County Women's Shelter.
We love teaching what we know and our foresters occasionally give presentations and demonstrations voluntarily to elementary schools, high schools, and colleges. Our foresters also volunteer in the Shasta and El Dorado county forestry challenges, competitions which encourage students to learn about forests and forestry.
Our Successes
JRC provides long term forestry management services on over 85,000 acres of nonindustrial lands in California, manages 20-40 MMBF of commercial harvests annually, and has completed over two hundred-fifty approved timber harvest plans and/or non-industrial timber management plans. In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, JRC secured more than 13 million dollars in California Climate Investment grant funding for clients to complete wildfire mitigation and restoration projects.
Read the 2021 USFS overview of more than 30 years of data collection measuring long-term soil productivity in forests across North America. JRC is proud to have participated in the collection of biometric data for this study.